Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Post modernism is the idea that media produces an idea that any media product is of any greater value than another, all judgements of value is just taste. It is also said to reflect modern society's feelings towards alienation, history, process and also the truth. Jean-Francois Lyotard argued that due to recent economic changes, particular 'structures of feeling' or 'cultural logic' were being produced. MTV believe that we now live in a 'three minute culture' or that we are part of an over-visual society which is down to the television and also the internet shortening peoples attention spans.

A good example of post modernism is the use of the beats and tunes that are used in different music artists songs, such as Cher's song "Bang Bang" has been recreated by many many different artists since it had been released (as shown below as small section of artists/bands who have made a cover of the song).

Parodies of songs are another perfect example of Postmodernism and have in recent years became very popular. Singers such as Weird Al Yankovic used different songs to recreate them into a funnier version, changing the lyrics but keeping the beat from the song so that it was recognisable and when compared to the original songs it would become much more humorous and entertaining for the audience listening.

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