Wednesday 7 January 2015

First Shoot for our Music Video...

 Before we broke up for the Christmas holidays, we had to have a first draft in for our music video to show our progress of what we have got up to so far for this year. There were still some shots that I needed to do so that the video would be fully completed, but for now I just placed the animatics on the point of the song that I didn't have any footage for so that it was fluent when we showed it to the class. I believe that the filming for this first draft went very well as I managed to get the shots that I wanted for the video. Despite this there is much room for improvement, especially with the lighting that we had to work with. The car was very dark inside so we had to use the inside lights and also our phones to try and light it up so that Beth and Matt were visible in the car. I would improve this next time by filming a lot earlier in the day which wasn't available during the first shoot because of Matt working until later than usual. I would also use a light to have a better and more defined view of Beth and Matt, and also to help focus on different parts of the video. Another point which will be improved when we film for the second time is some of the shots which I was using. The shots I think I need to improve is the time lapse shot, because when I had sped the footage up so that it was quicker, it had started to go fuzzy on some points so I would need to improve by perhaps using a different camera.

I would also like to change the camera that I used as think that although the DSLR had worked, using a Go-Pro would create a much better look for some of the shots so it looks more action packed and can give it a more sped up and rushed look which will match the fast pace of the song.

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